Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Flex Days/Military Decision

Okay, so this week we started what is know as Flex Days for the Counselors here at the office. Basically we just have to work 40 hours in 4 days and then we get one designated day off a week. It is crazy. My hours, which I picked, are 7am-5:30pm. I mean really...am I stupid? I have not gotten up that early since the days of basic training in good ole' Texas.

So the days are long and when you are on top of your game and you have contacted your students like 15,000 times you do not really have a purpose for Flex days, other than to have a day off. Which is nice especially form this place.

The Air Force is going well. Another deployment is inevitable. One day I will be able to slow down and not have to worry about leaving my wife every couple of months. You know, my time for re-enlistment is near and I have to died what to do. Do I continue to have this burden placed on my family and I? Yes, that is a negative, for sure. But, then I think about all these people who have died for my right to live free and cannot help but think about the possibility of re-enlistment. Millions have lost legs, arms, hearing, sight and even made the ultimate sacrifices, they died for me and I complain about a few months away from my wife and family. What to do...What to do...

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