Monday, May 30, 2005

And the Lord said you got to rise up Posted by Hello

Why won't anybody talk to me? Posted by Hello

Forget the fork Posted by Hello

Just the way they cook it back on the farm! Posted by Hello

Why Me? Posted by Hello

Imagine Me and You Posted by Hello

Lay off the alcohol Posted by Hello

What just happen? Posted by Hello

I wish I could read too Holly Posted by Hello

Don't be shy Posted by Hello

Jonathan checkin Brian Out Posted by Hello

Joy, Rick, Jodie and Billie Posted by Hello

Wonderful Weekend

What a fantastic weekend I had. As you know I had off Friday which made things even better that I had a 3 day weekend. To make things so much better Angela(my wonderful wife) decides that she wants to go to Raleigh for a few things and then says hey, lets go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Sure, I love that place. As we put in our name they say that it will be a 2 hour wait, minimum. Well as we are waiting I see Joy and Rick Cox walk up. How weird I thought. I love this couple and was glad to see them. As we are talking I then see Jodie and Billie (my girls) walk up. Wait a minute I thought to myself....Then Holly and Brain, two of our good friends walk up. What in the world I thought. Then here come my parents and brother David Ryan. As well as Nathan's girlfriend Hillary. Then Angela's family (minus her brother) walk up too.

Little did I know that Angela had planned a complete surprise b-day party. How nice of her. Lots of great gifts, but just getting to hang out with all of these people was the best part. Such a great time to hang out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

God is so good!!!!!!

Well today has been rather eventful. Got to work at the crack of dawn. We took a prospective employee out to lunch to "get to know her." First we stopped off at a new restaurant in Lillington called Iguanas. Well we walk in and no one for at least 5 minutes acknowledges that fact that we are even there. We then look around and see that no one has any food. So we decide to go somewhere else, of course we go to the old standby, Mucho Mexico.

The girls name is Ashely and it seems that she would be a great fit for the office. It even looks like she was offered the job. Greta thing about this is that I am going to be able to switch my areas form Florida to Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, DC. Not exactly my cup of tea but you have to do what is best form your family, right?

Angela will be going to either UNCG or William and Mary for her PhD work. Having said this, I would have had to leave my job at Campbell in order to move so that she could complete her PhD. Well in talking with CU it seems that they too would like for me to take the VA, DE, MD, DC area. So it looks like I will be taking that area and then in a year when we move for her PhD we will go and I will become a regional counselor. Which is great b/c I can then spend more time working on my financial planning. Which is my true desire. This just seems perfect.

God is so good to those who love, trust and obey him!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Flex Days/Military Decision

Okay, so this week we started what is know as Flex Days for the Counselors here at the office. Basically we just have to work 40 hours in 4 days and then we get one designated day off a week. It is crazy. My hours, which I picked, are 7am-5:30pm. I mean I stupid? I have not gotten up that early since the days of basic training in good ole' Texas.

So the days are long and when you are on top of your game and you have contacted your students like 15,000 times you do not really have a purpose for Flex days, other than to have a day off. Which is nice especially form this place.

The Air Force is going well. Another deployment is inevitable. One day I will be able to slow down and not have to worry about leaving my wife every couple of months. You know, my time for re-enlistment is near and I have to died what to do. Do I continue to have this burden placed on my family and I? Yes, that is a negative, for sure. But, then I think about all these people who have died for my right to live free and cannot help but think about the possibility of re-enlistment. Millions have lost legs, arms, hearing, sight and even made the ultimate sacrifices, they died for me and I complain about a few months away from my wife and family. What to do...What to do...